We always want to reduce measures, or eat foods that maintain or improve our figure, that is why we bring you a juice that is excellent if you are in the middle of a diet and want to lose weight . In addition to being an easy drink to prepare, it has multiple benefits for our health, both internally and externally.
This juice alone does not work, it must be complemented with exercise sessions and a balanced diet.
How does pineapple juice with watercress and celery benefit us to lose weight?
- Highly recommended juice to reduce measurements
- Rich in fiber
- Satisfy hunger
- Prevents constipation
- Normalizes intestinal flora
- Avoid obesity, as it slows the passage of food through the stomach and produces a feeling of satiety.
How to prepare pineapple juice with watercress and celery to lose weight
- 1 cup chopped pineapple.
- 1 small bunch of watercress.
- 3 stalks of celery.
How to prepare:
- Extract the juice from the pineapple and watercress.
- Blend the juices obtained with the celery.
How to apply:
- Drink a glass after food, three times a week.