Symptoms of shortness of breath due to anxiety
The most frequent symptoms of anxiety and shortness of breath occur under an emotional state that encourages it, and therefore the body physiologically will respond optimally to the emotion. When anxiety and shortness of breath occur all day, it is accompanied by symptoms such as pressure in the chest, numbness in the hands, and sometimes feelings of dizziness may occur.
The symptoms can alert the person and the real problem arises when the mind interprets the symptoms as the end, which can cause a panic attack and worsen the symptoms of the crisis, but unless the attack is the product of cardiovascular disease. It is impossible for the person to die. Although it is true that anxiety can cause shortness of breath according to a real source such as Agoraphobia, the person dies in an anxiety crisis as a result of the feeling of lack of air produced by anxiety. This is why shortness of breath due to anxiety can be treated.
What does shortness of breath due to anxiety feel like?
Emotions greatly influence our daily well-being, and breathing is a compass that can give us clues about how we feel. If breathing is agitated, we may find ourselves scared. Many times breathing operates beyond our will, however, it remains It is for every person to carry out a process of awareness about it and learn to control emotional states in the same way, and guide them towards a productive and quality life.
If you spend a lot of time worried, anxious, stressed, feeding not so healthy habits, you may at some point experience a state of anxiety somatizing its symptoms, one of the ways to know if the shortness of breath is due to anxiety is to know how you are. feeling lately, if stress and anguish have increased in your life.
It is very likely that you will express: I am short of breath due to anxiety, if your emotional state has not allowed you to rest or perform well in recent days. The feeling of shortness of breath due to anxiety is one of the most frequent symptoms that accompanies the body's reaction, which includes tension in the body, the throat is compressed, breathing accelerates and becomes labored, the body secretes adrenaline which alters the heart rate. with breathing which tends to hyperventilate, producing shortness of breath due to anxiety.
Anxiety attack and shortness of breath
Anxiety crises and shortness of breath occur due to the accumulation of emotional, mental or physical tension that causes reactions in the body, and that even the mind tends to program as stimuli that can be activated again after a similar experience.
Shortness of breath due to anxiety is one of the most common symptoms, since the pressure in the chest that accompanies it tends to strengthen the feeling of suffocation.
Hot flashes due to anxiety
Hot flashes due to anxiety can occur causing a sensation of strong heat in the person's body, sweating, the feeling of suffocation increases, and shortness of breath due to anxiety. The body can manifest itself in this way in a state of defense or flight which is generated largely in the mind of the subject. Anxiety and shortness of breath can be accompanied by pressure in the chest and a feeling of heat or even associated with fever.
Cough due to anxiety
The feeling of pressure in the chest accompanied by hyperventilation, dry throat can also cause an unexpected attack of anxiety cough. Well, shortness of breath due to anxiety causes the person to tend to feel despair. Anxiety and shortness of breath can cause discomfort in the throat, which is dry, as it is another of the symptoms presented in states of anxiety.
Dyspnea due to anxiety
Dyspnea is what is known as lack of breathing in the body. When anxiety develops, it is described as a sensation that does not allow the chest to fill with air, and generates the impression that not all the air enters the chest. It is also important to consider that the respiratory rate is normal between 12 and 20 breaths per minute. If it is due to anxiety, you can do some type of physical exercise which will not worsen the shortness of breath due to anxiety. Dyspnea is present with anxiety and shortness of breath.
Home remedies for shortness of breath due to anxiety
Shortness of breath due to anxiety can be treated from home, but it is important to go to a specialist who will offer you a diagnosis of your case. And that you address the case from the bottom of the problem of shortness of breath and anxiety. There may be different elements that are causing you shortness of breath due to anxiety, which is why it is important that you stop stimulating your state of anxiety with habits that can worsen it and that you consider a solution for anxiety and shortness of breath.
Diaphragmatic breathing can be ideal for you to practice from home, in the same way it will allow you to relax and connect with the present moment. You can do it at the time that is most meaningful to you, starting in the morning. To carry out this type of breathing, place your hands on your abdomen, relaxing the muscles, inhale deeply through your nose, now notice how your abdomen expands at the same time as you fill your lungs with air. Hold your breath for a couple of minutes and exhale the air through your mouth slowly until your lungs are empty.
Consider steam inhalations if you have nasal congestion, in the same way you can take ginger infusion to manifest its expectorant properties which can relieve cough symptoms, stop smoking this will greatly benefit your organic system in general, go out to walk and practice relaxation therapies which allow you to control your respiratory and emotional processes.
How to control shortness of breath due to anxiety
Below I will give you some recommendations on how to control shortness of breath due to anxiety, since it is a reality that anxiety produces shortness of breath, although it is not fatal, it is an annoying experience and if it becomes repetitive it can become a sleep disorder. anxiety and prolonged shortness of breath. To control shortness of breath due to anxiety, it is crucial to practice different breathing exercises that allow breathing control, knowledge of emotions and personal self-control. Yoga, meditation and relaxation sessions are recommended experiences for people looking for a solution. for anxiety and shortness of breath.
Solution for anxiety and shortness of breath
If you are going through a moment of suffocation due to stress, you must be wondering how to eliminate the feeling of shortness of breath due to anxiety. One of the ways to combat shortness of breath due to anxiety is to know what is happening during this process in your organism, in this way you will have the opportunity to take the appropriate attitude and measures to relieve shortness of breath due to anxiety.
Lack of air due to anxiety tends to be called hyperventilation in the body. During hyperventilation, there is a tendency to breathe above physiological needs, since at the beginning of an anxiety crisis the sensation of suffocation occurs.
What happens during hyperventilation is that the person finds themselves breathing excessively, due to that feeling of suffocation generated by the entire response that their body is expressing. The consequence of this is that the amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs is reduced.
This occurs because there is a balance between carbon dioxide in the blood and in the lungs, this results in a loss of dioxide in the blood, this directly influences breathing as it is controlled by the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. , since it is part of the blood homeostatic system, this has the following implications:
As carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, a certain area of the brain detects it, thus the impulse to breathe begins to reduce, since this mechanism is very sensitive. Breathing too much has the immediate consequence of a decrease in carbon dioxide, which can cause problems such as apnea. Since it is an anxiety crisis, the person may have a frightening sensation, feeling that they could die at any moment. Focusing on breathing alone, trying to overcome breathing difficulties. This causes a faster attempt to breathe called gasping, which can cause chest pain due to the muscular pressure exerted.
The acidity and alkalinity of the blood is maintained in balance thanks to the homeostatic system of the blood. This system allows the amounts of both chemicals in the body to be balanced, which allows the blood to maintain its acidity and pH. As rapid fluctuations in pH occur, they are automatically suppressed by changes in respiration. They can happen constantly even if we are not aware of it.
Overbreathing or hyperventilation produces important changes in this balance, which gives rise to completely unpleasant body sensations, which can be tingling, dizziness, sensation of heat/cold, muscle tension, weak legs, fainting, visual disturbances, palpitations, tachycardia. , lump in the throat, in the stomach, each person experiences different symptoms in different intensities.
Therefore, if you want to know how to overcome shortness of breath due to anxiety, it can help you to know your breathing process, learn to breathe regularly, slowly and from the diaphragm, keeping in your mind that you are going to be fine and that you are not going to be fine. Stop breathing completely at no time, on the contrary, by breathing slowly and superficially you can increase carbon dioxide in your blood, which will stimulate the brain center and automatically provide normalized breathing.
You can learn to control shortness of breath due to anxiety by allowing yourself to connect physically and emotionally with the well-being of your body, since finding the solution for anxiety and shortness of breath involves a more in-depth treatment than just paying attention to the physical effects. such as difficulty breathing and chest pain.
Controlled breathing training is one of the techniques that has been most used with people who have anxiety problems. Well, breathing is the process by which we are able to stay alive, it is the process that allows the body to oxygenate itself and be able to drain physically, mentally and emotionally, controlling breathing allows access to a natural state of life of greater well-being and awareness, since many of the problems that can occur at the respiratory level can have their origin in an inadequate way of breathing.
Controlled breathing involves doing it from the diaphragm to fill the abdomen, inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for three seconds, releasing the air in a quiet place, it is one of the initial exercises for this type of breathing therapy.
CBD Oil Against Anxiety
As with any drug or medication, one of the main aspects of the pharmacological effects that must be studied are its safety and tolerance, CBD appears very well tolerated in very high dose ranges in human studies, reaching concentrations such as 1500 mg/day orally, without reporting effects that affect motor functions, negative effects on mood and other abnormalities at a physiological level.
On the other hand, the anxiolytic effects of CBD are reported in a study carried out by Campos and his team at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Within which they conclude:
“CBD is a safe compound with a wide range of therapeutic applications, including the treatment of psychiatric disorders. "These discoveries make this drug an attractive candidate for future clinical trials."
Other studies conclude that the use of CBD in chronic conditions still requires further research, specifically, to determine the appropriate concentrations for CBD to produce its anxiolytic effect.
The research protocols in humans support the conclusions and results obtained in animal models, whether in vitro or in vivo, once again concentrated in high doses of said molecule as an analysis method for the treatment of this disorder.
Conclusions on Medicinal Cannabis (CBD) and its Anxiolytic Effect
Thanks to the results found in different research protocols around the world, there is growing acceptance within the regulatory and bureaucratic framework for the use of therapeutic alternatives based on cannabinoids.
Much remains to be investigated and known about the potential and complex mechanisms of action within other types of models of conditions and disorders of these molecules. As research is encouraged with larger clinical trials, the bad reputation of this plant and its cannabinoids is also being destigmatized.
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