Taking care of your mental health during quarantine can be a real challenge, especially for those who suffer from anxiety. However, there are certain recommendations to achieve this.
Since the emergence of the infectious disease known as coronavirus (COVID-19), each person's reality has taken an unexpected turn, and concerns have also been increasing.
Now that health authorities have taken extreme care measures in many countries in order to prevent the spread of the virus, confinement has become more difficult, especially due to the anxiety generated about what is going to happen later. .
Mental health is the state of balance that must exist between people and the socio-cultural environment that surrounds them. This includes emotional, psychological and social well-being and influences how a person thinks, feels, acts and reacts to moments of stress. It is the basis for the well-being and effective functioning of a person and their community.
Mental disorders originate from multiple factors that affect the population without distinction of race, gender or age. These are usually linked to genetic, psychological, neurological, environmental or social factors, among others, which is why their treatment requires a team. multidisciplinary (medical, psychological, psychiatrist), whose purpose is to improve the person's quality of life.
The World Health Organization indicates that by 2020, depression will be the second cause of disability worldwide. The Federal Secretariat estimates that of the 15 million people who suffer from a mental disorder in Mexico, the majority are young adults of productive age.
Taking care of mental health during quarantine
According to the World Health Organization, mental health is:
“A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal pressures of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
That is, mental health is the main pillar to be able to experience well-being and function operationally, both at the individual and community level. Now, the current situation has brought us additional concerns that have affected the mental health of many people.
Take care of mental health during quarantine.
Mental health in quarantine can be compromised by many factors. The majority have concerns associated with work and the economic situation.
- Concerns during quarantine
- Fear of infecting oneself or others.
- Anxiety, often due to excess information.
- Health status of loved ones.
- Fear of being under observation due to certain symptoms.
- Time that cannot be dedicated to work due to the contingency.
- Loss or decrease in income.
- Safety regarding the workplace.
- Need to provide food for the family, as well as medicine.
- Caring for other family members.
- Frustration and uncertainty not knowing how long this situation could last.
- Loneliness due to distancing from other loved ones.
- Anger, suspecting that he could have been infected.
- Boredom.
- Loss of meaning by not having the routine to which I was accustomed.
- Irritability.
- Depression.
- Changes in appetite.
- Changes in sleep pattern.
Beyond all these issues that could cause concern, the other side of the same coin must also be seen. Understand why we are in a quarantine, find the meaning of the situation. This will help us cope with the situation and take care of our mental health.
Recommendations to take care of mental health during quarantine.
First of all, we must all be aware that if we were not in confinement the risks would be greater, both for ourselves and for others. So this situation involves having empathy. Additionally, we can do the following:
- Inform ourselves about what is happening, but only from reliable sources such as the bulletins of the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Avoid seeing or listening to sensational news that abounds on the networks.
- Remember that children's mental health is also important and they are sensitive to what we put on television.
- Consult a health center about what medicines we might need in an unexpected case, and have them at home.
- Maintain social contact through networks. This will help us reduce anxiety and loneliness.
- Make video calls through Skype, or other applications, that allow us to see the face of our loved ones.
- Read good books and watch a couple of movies that we find enjoyable.
- Apply relaxation and breathing techniques.
- Practice meditation or mindfulness.
- Guidelines to take care of mental health during quarantine
- The confinement measure is not easy to endure. Therefore, we must implement some strategies to take care of mental health.
Mental health in quarantine: what should we remember?
- Let's remember that taking care of mental health during quarantine is in our hands. Although anguish takes over us at times, we must avoid falling into despair. If necessary, it is best to contact an online psychologist for support.
- Being in quarantine or confinement does not mean being isolated. We can use social media to stay in touch with all the people we love. On the other hand, if we have children, we can dedicate a couple of hours to them in fun activities such as drawing, cooking together or playing.
CBD is also a great ally to control our mental health, without causing addiction.
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