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Tips to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms

Tips to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms
Treatments to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms typically include pain relievers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. These options, which are usually prescribed by the doctor, aim to minimize pain and other related discomfort.

Patients with this disease have prolonged chronic pain in their muscles and bones, as well as tenderness, fatigue, concentration problems and other manifestations that significantly affect quality of life.

Although it is essential to follow medical recommendations to control the disease, a series of natural therapies can also be considered that contribute to its relief. On this occasion we want to share good alternatives.

What is fibromyalgia?

  • With fibromyalgia, it is important to briefly review the disease. Patients with this disorder have prolonged or chronic musculoskeletal pain, constant fatigue, weakness, and sleep problems.
  • Its symptoms are classified as subjective and cannot be measured by tests. For this reason, establishing its cause is quite complicated and, often, its diagnosis is also difficult. However, thanks to research, the disease is increasingly understood a little more.
  • It is suggested that it may be caused by genetics, infections, constant stress, trauma and environmental factors. Likewise, it is based on the hypothesis that the brain and nervous system misinterpret pain signals, exaggerating it. It could be caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry.

Some patients are unable to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms with conventional pharmacological treatments. For this reason, some natural therapies that help alleviate pain have become popular for some time. We share some with you.

CBD oil

  • A survey conducted with more than 1,300 patients with chronic pain reports that 62% of patients consider the use of CBD for pain management and relief to be very efficient.
  • Some examples of the properties of CBD for management/relief: Intraocular pressure in glaucoma, Nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy, Muscle pain and insomnia derived from spinal injuries, Stiffness in patients with multiple sclerosis, Weight loss and loss of appetite in patients with HIV.
  • A study showed the effect of this cannabinoid in improving pain, stiffness, relaxation and the perception of well-being of the participants. Thanks to discoveries, one of the explanations for the effects of CBD is due to its action on the endocannabinoid system, once activated they are responsible for producing a cascade of antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic effects, among others.
  • Our bodies have the natural function of forming cannabinoids, unfortunately, they do not do so in high enough concentrations to produce the desired effect, which is why CBD from external sources is a potential ally for people with this type of syndromes.
  • The simple answer to this question is, currently conventional treatments have a very low rate of effectiveness and in a large number of cases their side effects are more dangerous than the disease they seek to alleviate.

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  • There is research that has shown the beneficial role of yoga in controlling the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
  • Yoga is one of the best complementary treatments to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. In fact, its benefits have been proven through different research. This discipline helps improve mood and minimizes symptoms such as pain and fatigue.
  • Therefore, the practice of gentle postures is recommended to increase muscle strength and reduce stiffness. It is also advisable to incorporate meditation and breathing exercises, as they increase the benefits.


  • Another popular therapy for controlling this disease is acupuncture. This is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine, in which fine needles are inserted into the skin, distributed at different points on the body. Its goals include: Promote natural self-healing, stimulate a change in blood flow, decrease chronic pain, produce a change in brain neurotransmitter levels.
  • People who cannot tolerate needles can resort to acupressure. The most important thing is to verify that the therapy is provided by a licensed professional, since poor practice can cause serious consequences.


  • Meditation is a natural therapy that has managed to spread throughout the world. It is recognized for its effects on physical and mental health, as it helps control those imbalances that affect ailments.
  • Because of this, it is popular as a complementary treatment to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms, especially when accompanied by stress, anxiety, and depression.

Tai Chi

  • Thai chi is another ancient technique that seems to provide benefits on fatigue and chronic pain.
  • Tai chi is an ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of moving the body slowly through a series of postures. It is part of the therapies for chronic pain and fibromyalgia, since its benefits include reduced pain, better quality of sleep and control of depression.

Manual lymphatic drainage therapy

  • Manual lymphatic drainage therapy is a type of massage whose objective is to stimulate the elimination of toxins.
  • Its application helps improve the movement of lymphatic fluid through the body. Going to several sessions can reduce fatigue and anxiety. It even has a positive effect on relieving pain and stiffness.

Are you plagued by fibromyalgia symptoms? Maybe you should try one of these natural therapies. Of course, try to do it in the company of a professional to guarantee its effectiveness.

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