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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Beneficios del yoga para la salud

    Health benefits of yoga

    Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuji , which means union . Its practice seeks to improve strength, breathing and flexibility. Those who practice yoga state that it has benefits such...

  • Andar en bicicleta: 5 beneficios para la salud

    Riding a bicycle: 5 health benefits

    You don't have to dedicate many hours to obtain its benefits. Practicing cycling 20 minutes a day improves resistance and reduces the likelihood of suffering from certain diseases. Along with...

  • Secretos contra el envejecimiento

    Secrets against aging

    Take care of others Two recent studies suggest surprising but poignant keys to a longer life. You are more likely to accumulate years if: You hope for the best. Of...

  • Beneficios para la salud de caminar hacia atrás

    Health benefits of walking backwards

    One of the best-studied benefits of walking backwards is improved stability and balance. For most of us, walking is something we do automatically. It does not require conscious effort, which...

  • ¿Es posible prevenir la diabetes?

    Is it possible to prevent diabetes?

    Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Over time it leads to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. There are mainly...