Those who live with a person with anxiety know how difficult this condition can be.
It is worth keeping in mind that anxiety is characterized by presenting a feeling of subjective discomfort, of high intensity, which triggers symptoms on an emotional and behavioral level.
People who suffer from it may feel a sensation of suffocation, tachycardia, chest pain, uncontrolled crying, tremors, muscle tension, fear of dying, among others.
The presence of these symptoms can be confusing for those who do not know enough about anxiety conditions. Medical literature notes that anxiety develops slowly and can begin as early as adolescence or early adulthood.
Among other things, patients with this disorder often feel nervous in daily situations, regarding their performance at work, finances, health, falling behind in fulfilling responsibilities, among others.

What does a person with anxiety feel?
To help a person who suffers from anxiety it is necessary to know what they feel. Some of the symptoms of anxiety are:
- Excessive worry about everyday things.
- Difficulty controlling nervousness and worries.
- Difficulty relaxing.
- Concentration problems.
- They can be easily surprised.
- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- Frequent feeling of tiredness.
- Muscle or stomach pain.
- Headaches.
- Discomfort that cannot be explained.
- Sweating.
- Difficulty to swallow.
- Dizziness or feeling of shortness of breath, among others.
How to help a person with anxiety
Family and friends of those who suffer from anxiety often do not know how to handle this situation and may feel confused. It is important to know how to act in these cases to avoid attitudes that, in fact, can intensify the discomfort. What can we do?
1. Get informed
- For facts to acquire meaning, it is necessary to know what anxiety is about. The best source is, first of all, the person who suffers from it, and then medical information texts aimed at the general public.
2. Be empathetic
- Try to understand the person who is suffering, trying to put yourself in their place.
- Empathy is important when helping a person who suffers from anxiety. This, in a way, helps you find calm.
3. Listen
- Sometimes the person with anxiety needs to be listened to. This temporarily relieves him. Likewise, showing him availability will help him find calm.
4. Avoid disqualifying
- Whether with hurtful comments or moral judgments. It is important to never downplay or trivialize the suffering of others.
5. Avoid blame
- Since this can only increase the distress of the person suffering from anxiety. It is possible that the person, as a result of the same symptoms, cannot control the situation, but no one but them wants to find calm at that moment.
6. Avoid getting excessively distressed
- Because this would increase the alarms of those who feel anxiety.
7. Help do an objective analysis
- An objective analysis of what is happening will be useful in helping the person cope with the situation.
8. Help you see beyond the moment
- Let the person who suffers from anxiety remember that, if at other times they have solved problems that seemed difficult, now they can also find the solutions they need.
More guidelines to help a person with anxiety
- Support: the person to face their fears progressively, and congratulate their progress.
- Avoid overprotection: this way of acting is common, since you seek to protect those you love, but it is not recommended because it can help sustain the problem over time.
- Avoid telling them to calm down: because this can only increase tension and nervousness, making the person feel more overwhelmed or suffocated.
- Giving space: This is equivalent to making it clear that you are there to support them, but not drawing the attention of more people, for example, if anxiety symptoms increase on the street. Doing this may make you feel more nervous.
Guidelines to help a person with anxiety
When a person is going through an anxiety crisis, it is also important to know how to give them space to calm down.
- Show them another stimulus: have them focus their attention, for example, on the breathing of the person accompanying them and try to imitate it. You may also be asked to maintain eye contact while doing this breathing exercise.
- Helping you with breathing exercises: This can be helpful in relieving the symptom of hyperventilation.
- Speak in a calm tone: Listening to a calm but firm voice can help arousal levels decrease.
- Remind you that everything will pass: that little by little your symptoms will pass, despite the intensity you may feel at the moment.
In addition to these recommendations, the person who wants to help someone who suffers from anxiety can recommend applying alternative therapies.
Also, you can consume CBD oil, HEMP, and aromatherapy to control anxiety.
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