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13 benefits of chamomile 🌼 for health

13 health benefits of chamomile

Chamomile or chamomile infusions are some of the most popular that exist. This aromatic and slightly bitter medicinal plant has numerous beneficial health properties that have been known for thousands of years.

The Egyptians considered it a drink worthy of offering to the god Ra. For the Germans it was one of the 9 sacred herbs that Odin offered to humanity to protect it from evil and diseases, and there is evidence of its use throughout Europe, Asia and southern Africa. Mexico has a great tradition of curing stomach ailments with a good chamomile tea, clean the eyes, that is why in this post we invite you to continue reading and know the benefits of Chamomile for health, first let's start with:

What is chamomile and what are its benefits?

Manzanilla, meaning “ground apple,” is the common name for several species of plants in the daisy family. But only two are used for medicinal purposes: German chamomile (Matricaria recutita or Matricaria chamomilla) and Roman chamomile (Anthemis or Chamaemelum nobile). They are native to Western Europe, North Africa and certain parts of Asia.

This plant has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and has been consumed for centuries as a natural remedy for numerous ailments. In Egypt it was used to treat malaria, in Rome as a remedy for urinary infections and headaches, in southern Africa it was consumed to combat insomnia, rheumatism and sore throat, among others, but when it became more It was popular during the Middle Ages in Europe, being used as a diuretic, relaxant, digestive tonic and to relieve abdominal pain.

Additionally, chamomile has antioxidants that help reduce the risk of various diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

The main health benefits of chamomile are :

    1. Relieves stress and anxiety.

    One of the most popular uses of chamomile is the treatment of stress and anxiety . This plant has the property of reducing the intensity of anxious signs, calming mental stress and improving depression, especially used in aromatherapy or taken as an infusion as a complement to other treatments.

      2. Helps you sleep better.

      Chamomile has some unique properties that can benefit sleep quality. This is because it contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in the brain, promoting drowsiness and reducing insomnia or chronic inability to sleep. It was found that people who consumed 270 mg of chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days had 1/3 fewer nighttime awakenings and fell asleep 15 minutes faster than those who did not consume the extract.

      Main Benefits:
      Auxiliary for cognitive or neural problems
      Fight stress
      Sleep regulator
      Fight anxiety

        3. Relieves menstrual pain.

        Like CBD (Cannabidiol), its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties make this infusion quite a popular option for women who suffer from menstruation symptoms such as bloating, cramps, anxiety, sweating, inability to sleep, and mood swings.

          4. Improves digestive health

          Due to the properties mentioned in the previous point, chamomile is also very effective in the treatment of stomach and intestinal cramps. Regular consumption of this plant can help reduce problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, muscle spasms, gas and gastroenteritis, it is useful to prevent stomach ulcers, as it can reduce acidity in the stomach. stomach and inhibit the growth of bacteria that contribute to the development of the ulcer.

            5. Protects against certain types of cancer.

            The antioxidants found in chamomile have been linked to a lower incidence of certain types of cancer. The antioxidant apigenin in chamomile has been shown in test tube studies to have the potential to fight cancer cells, especially those in the breast, digestive tract, skin, prostate and uterus.

            Furthermore, in a study of 537 people, it was observed that those who drank chamomile infusions 2-6 times a week were significantly less likely to develop thyroid cancer than those who did not drink this liquid. These findings are promising, but as in other cases, more human research is needed to understand the true role of chamomile in cancer prevention.

              6. Helps control blood sugar.

              Drinking chamomile teas can help reduce blood sugar levels . Its anti-inflammatory properties can prevent damage to pancreatic cells that appears when sugar levels are chronically high. And the health of the pancreas is extremely important, since it is responsible for producing insulin, the hormone responsible for removing sugar from the blood.

                7. Improves the condition of the skin.

                Due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich nature of chamomile tea, this plant is not used exclusively as a beverage. Topical application of chamomile tea cures skin irritations or conditions like eczema. It can also significantly improve healing and reduce the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles on the face, as it has the potential to eliminate oxidative stress and increase our skin's immune response.

                  8. Improves heart health.

                  Chamomile extract is abundant in flavonoids, a type of antioxidants. Flavonoids have been studied for their great potential to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are important markers in the risk of heart disease.

                    9. Improves the immune system.

                    The phenolic compounds present in chamomile help strengthen the immune system and prevent infections. The other compounds present in this plant appear to help fight colds, flu, and relieve sinus congestion.

                      10. Treats allergic reactions.

                      Chamomile infusions can help modulate the immune response to allergens in the body. By working as an antihistamine, it can calm these allergic reactions throughout the body.

                      11. Prevents Osteoporosis.

                      Chamomile extract helps stimulate the activity of osteoblasts, the cells that form bones. Therefore, this plant can help increase bone density and ultimately help us stay away from osteoporosis .

                      12. Improves oral health.

                      Chamomile infusions have the ability to fight oral bacterial infections, prevent cavities, and protect teeth and gums. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe toothaches.

                      13. Relieves hemorrhoids.

                      In addition to providing a calming effect, chamomile also helps treat hemorrhoids and their discomfort. Chamomile ointment can help relieve hemorrhoids.

                      Remember that prevention is better than cure
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