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Arnica ointment: Benefits for pain

Arnica ointment: Benefits for pain

Arnica is a yellow herbaceous plant, native to Europe, that has been used for many years for its medicinal properties. In particular, it stands out for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which can be used in the form of a gel or lotion to soothe muscle pain.

In fact, this is one of the ingredients contained in liniments and ointments used by athletes to treat sprains and bruises. Why use arnica ointment? What are its benefits? Below we share it in detail.

What is arnica ointment used for?

In traditional medicine, plants such as arnica have been helpful in calming symptoms such as body pain and swelling. Although the evidence regarding its effectiveness is still limited, today it continues to be a complement for those seeking to calm their ailments, at least temporarily.

Arnica gel is one of the derivatives of this plant that can be applied externally to take advantage of its properties. Let's see in detail its main uses and possible adverse effects.

Helps reduce muscle and joint pain

It is said that arnica ointment helps relieve muscle pain. In relation to this, a review published in the American Journal of Therapeutics points out that its application has anti-inflammatory effects that are useful in case of postoperative pain and edema. It was even more effective than the placebo.

On the other hand, an article in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology states that helenalin, a substance contained in this plant, stimulates the functional movement of the hands and reduces the intensity of pain in patients with joint problems such as osteoarthritis.

Promotes recovery from bruises

The external use of arnica ointment serves as an adjuvant to reduce the appearance of bruises. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces swelling and promotes circulation.

In fact, according to a study in the British Journal of Dermatology, using this 20% ointment could reduce bruising caused by laser procedures.

Promotes wound healing

This product will not magically disappear scars. However, regular use helps improve this process to minimize marks. In research published in The Journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy, the application of this gel improved the healing of surgical incisions made in animals.

There is a lack of evidence to verify these same effects in humans. Still, it is considered safe for most people and can therefore be used in cases of superficial wounds.

Has antimicrobial and antifungal potential

Topical use of arnica, whether in gel or other forms, can help reduce the risk of skin infections. This is due to its potential as an antimicrobial and antifungal, which reduces the proliferation of fungi and pathogenic bacteria on the skin.

How to use arnica ointment?

There are those who make arnica ointment at home, using ingredients such as the dried flowers of the plant and aloe vera. However, it is also available in pharmacies and herbalists, ready to use. In any case, the important thing is to ensure that its composition is based on natural products.

Its application can be done 2 or 3 times a day on the desired areas, through a gentle massage. It is a good complement in case of bumps, common pain, bruises, etc.

Possible adverse effects

Arnica should be used with caution; In fact, its internal consumption is discouraged, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause vomiting and diarrhea. As for the external route, prolonged or excessive use can cause skin irritations.

If you have a skin condition, or suffer a serious injury, it is best to avoid its use and consult your doctor first. The professional will determine whether or not it is safe to apply the product.


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