The COVID-19 pandemic is recent and there are many unknowns about how it works.
So far there is no precise information on aspects such as the spread of the virus, its mode of action, its pathophysiology, among others. However, certain risk groups have been identified, such as older adults, immunosuppressed people and diabetics.
Although coronavirus (COVID-19) is a pathogen that does not cause a high mortality rate under normal conditions, the aforementioned groups tend to have serious complications and fatal outcomes. On this occasion we want to emphasize a particular group: patients with diabetes.
Thus, in the following space we are going to explain how to adopt efficient prevention strategies, and we will give some dietary recommendations that may be useful to take care of the health of these people.
Coronavirus prevention
Patients with diabetes, like anyone, should reinforce hand hygiene as a method of preventing coronavirus. Although the virus can remain active on some surfaces, according to experts, it is sensitive to soap, water and alcohol.
For this reason, it is crucial to wash your hands frequently and disinfect frequently handled objects, including mobile devices. In addition, it is recommended not to leave home to avoid contact with people.
A distance of 2 meters between people should be enough to prevent the spread of the virus from the suspension of saliva droplets emitted when speaking.
There are no indications that encourage us to think that food can be a vector of contagion. However, it is recommended to cook them completely to avoid possible risks.
Diabetes and coronavirus: how to intervene?
Going to the hospital is not a good idea unless there are serious symptoms. For this reason, the best option is proper planning. Therefore, it is necessary to have the telephone numbers of medical services at hand.
On the other hand, it is crucial to have food in the pantry that allows you to survive at home until the incubation and contagion period of the virus has ended. In addition, it is necessary to have blood glucose monitoring equipment, as well as the appropriate medication to control this parameter.
In the event that a diabetic contracts the disease, it is recommended to immediately contact the health team to know exactly how frequently they should control glucose. It should be noted that no medication should be suspended unless the doctor indicates it.
There are experts who claim that some NSAIDs can complicate the progression of the disease, but there are no scientific studies in this regard that allow this statement to be evidenced. In any case, it is better to avoid self-medication and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals.
Food against inflammation and coronavirus
The coronavirus causes pneumonia that can compromise the life of the individual. For this reason, diet will always be focused on reducing inflammation. Scientific evidence has scientifically determined that certain foods, such as garlic or cruciferous vegetables, have an anti-inflammatory nature. For this reason, its intake is recommended in these types of situations.
Furthermore, current studies suggest that turmeric can help prevent and improve lung pathologies. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity, it becomes a great ally that can help fight the disease.
Diabetes and coronavirus: final recommendations
Due to the high level of ignorance that health authorities have about this virus, extreme caution is necessary if you are sick with diabetes or other pathologies. It is necessary to be as hygienic as possible to avoid contagion, and not go outside except in cases of force majeure.
People belonging to risk groups are more likely to suffer serious illnesses. For this reason, they have to be clear about what to do if they begin to suffer symptoms. Following appropriate dietary advice could help improve the symptoms of the disease, although there are no specific studies in the literature as it is a very recent pathology.
Finally, it should be noted that it is essential to avoid the collapse of the hospital system. Because of this, you should not go to the hospital except in cases of extreme need. In addition, the competent authorities must be notified if symptoms begin to develop or if it is suspected that the disease may occur.
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"Because prevention is better than cure"