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18 benefits of Magnesium Chloride

18 benefits of Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride works as a dietary supplement with great health benefits. It helps us keep the body young and vital, in addition to helping to fight and prevent many infections.

Actually, it is a useful and beneficial compound for all ages. However, like any active ingredient, it also has some important contraindications that must be taken into account.

Magnesium chloride is composed of chlorine and magnesium, which provide many health and beauty benefits. In fact, this compound has been used for industrial purposes.

Benefits of Magnesium Chloride

  • It works as an excellent blood purifier that helps balance its pH. Thanks to this benefit, magnesium chloride helps us prevent many diseases.
  • Helps eliminate acid that accumulates in the kidneys; thus promoting kidney function and health.
  • Magnesium chloride stimulates brain functions and the transmission of nerve impulses, which contributes to mental balance.
  • It is ideal for athletes or people with high physical performance, as it helps prevent and combat muscle injuries, cramps, fatigue and muscle tiredness.
  • Stimulates the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system; This, in turn, prevents heart disease.
  • It helps dissolve bad cholesterol levels, which enables good blood circulation and the prevention of diseases.
  • It is a powerful anti-stress remedy, which also helps combat depression, dizziness and fatigue.
  • It plays a very important role in regulating body temperature, as it balances body temperature.
  • It prevents problems such as hemorrhoids, improves intestinal health and helps in cases such as colitis and constipation, among others.
  • Prevents prostate problems and helps combat them.
  • There are those who believe that it could help prevent and combat cancerous tumors.
  • Strengthens the immune system and helps prevent and fight colds, catarrhs ​​and infections.
  • Prevents premature aging, as it provides vitality to the body and promotes cell regeneration.
  • It is key in the prevention of osteoporosis, since it acts as a calcium fixer in the bones.
  • Magnesium chloride prevents the formation of kidney stones, because it prevents calcium oxalate from accumulating in them.
  • Promotes women's health, as it reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and stimulates hormonal regulation.
  • Fights free radicals, which prevents the formation of tumors and warts.
  • Magnesium chloride promotes cleansing of the arteries and, in turn, prevents atherosclerosis.
benefits of Magnesium Chloride

Contraindications of magnesium chloride

Although magnesium chloride has many health benefits, it must be clarified that in some cases it is contraindicated and it is better not to consume it or consult a doctor first.

  • It is contraindicated for people who suffer from diarrhea, as it has a laxative effect.
  • It should be avoided in people with kidney disease, especially if you have kidney failure.
  • It should not be consumed when you suffer from ulcerative colitis, as it can worsen diarrhea.
  • If you take antibiotics, magnesium chloride can reduce the effectiveness of some of them, so it is recommended to take it 3 or 4 hours before consuming the antibiotic.

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"Because prevention is better than cure"


Hola! Papa tiene 85 años y neuropatia diabetica y otras enfermedades asociadas…padece dolor de columna después de una pésima cirugía es conveniente qye lo tome?….gracias!

Julia Modesto,

Por que dise que ayuda para la colitis y en las contraindicaciones dice que no lo puede tomar personas con colitis

Dulce ,

Buena noche..
Dosis diaria que debo tomar
Tengo 70 años.!!
Corro desde los 35 años !!
Y .
Hasta la fecha sigo haciendo ejercicio, evidentemente, con menos intensidad.


F. Javier Torres ,

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