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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Consejos para convivir con la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

    Tips for living with inflammatory bowel disease

    Inflammatory bowel disease is a broad name used to describe different disorders related to the digestive tract that have inflammation in common. Some of the symptoms related to this disease...

  • Consejos para evitar las intoxicaciones alimentarias

    Tips to avoid food poisoning

    Food is essential for our life. Through it we can extract the energy necessary to develop our activities and we can also obtain the materials that allow us to repair...

  • Tips para reducir los eructos y la flatulencia

    Tips to reduce belching and flatulence

    The burps and flatulence They are normal and natural ways to relieve the accumulation of air or pressure of intestinal gases. However, some people (or their partners) may wish they didn't happen...

  • 5 alimentos que ayudan a limpiar el colon - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Cólon, Dieta, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud

    5 foods that help cleanse the colon

    Eating some foods appears to help cleanse the colon. However, it is important to know that they do not have the miraculous ability to detoxify the body. In fact, in...

  • ¿Qué es la enfermedad de Crohn? - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Cólon, Dato Curioso, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    What is Crohn's disease?

    Crohn's disease is a common intestinal pathology, which can be accompanied by several complications. In Spain alone it is estimated that there are about 115 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Most...

  • 18 beneficios del Cloruro de Magnesio - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Colesterol, Consejos, Cólon, Dolor, Estreñimiento, Inflamación, Magnesio, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Retención de líquidos, Salud, Sistema Circulatorio, Sistema Digestivo

    18 benefits of Magnesium Chloride

    Magnesium chloride works as a dietary supplement with great health benefits. It helps us keep the body young and vital, in addition to helping to fight and prevent many infections.

  • 11 Remedios caseros para combatir el estreñimiento - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Cólon, Estreñimiento, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    11 Home Remedies to Combat Constipation

    Belly constipation is a very common problem, especially in women and is due, for example, to changes in diet or habits (when we go on vacation it is the most...

  • Síntomas de la gastritis nerviosa y cómo reducirlos - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Cólon, Estreñimiento, Intestino, Nutrición, Salud

    Symptoms of nervous gastritis and how to reduce them

    Nervous gastritis is a very common ailment among adolescents and active adults. Anxiety and depression can also lead to the appearance of nervous gastritis, with emotional problems being a characteristic...