There are many treatments for intestinal problems, but nothing replaces a good natural juice. These help our body not have cons when consuming them. Cucumber, alfalfa and honey juice is of great benefit, the most important thing is that it helps us prevent cancer, among others.
Properties of cucumber juice, alfalfa and honey.
The combination of these ingredients helps improve intestinal function and prevents the development of bacteria; It is purifying and detoxifying, it also protects the stomach mucosa and the liver, fights anemia, this is the most common disease in young people, and also prevents hemorrhoids. For people who suffer from diabetes it is a good formula, it prevents cancer, asthma, and also favors the intestinal flora.
- 1 cup of alfalfa
- 1 cucumber peeled and chopped
- 1 glass of water
- 1 tablespoon honey
The preparation of this drink is very simple. First we have to wash and disinfect the alfalfa for 10 minutes; Once the alfalfa is disinfected, we put it in the juice extractor along with the cucumber.
Finally, we blend the rest of the ingredients with the alfalfa and cucumber juice and serve. This mixture must be taken immediately and without blending it. It is recommended to drink a glass for a week every two months, to see results.
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