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Midorexia, the disorder suffered by some adults who want to be young 🤓

Midorexia, the disorder suffered by some adults who want to be young

It is exactly that stage that many people fear reaching because regardless of their age, they behave as if they were a young person.

Surely you have heard more than once the nickname 'chavorruco' directed at people who are elderly but with the spirit of a young person, and not only the spirit, but also their clothes, their vocabulary, their hobbies, and even their behavior.

They behave as if they were a young person without considering that this could end in terrible depression.

Chavorruco is how this behavior is best known, but its real name is midorexia and it is a mental state that affects both men and women who, at a mature age, still act young and do anything to stay radiant, even They undergo cosmetic surgery.

Midorexia could be considered a behavioral disorder, since at each stage of life behavior must be different, and we do not necessarily refer to maturity.

According to experts, this 'obsession with eternal youth' usually occurs at 40 years of age.

Not accepting one's age is something that can happen due to some shocking situation in one's personal life; social pressure or standards can also play a role.

It is at that time when they seek to undergo cosmetic surgeries; this due to the fear of aging and social acceptance; It is clearly a self-esteem problem.

Likewise, midorexia is experienced when some goal in life has not been successfully met. It's 'frustration in disguise'.

The problem with this is when you can transmit this to your children, since some parents could even compete with them. That is, they begin to have certain behaviors similar to them and try to stand out physically.

It is important to live each stage of life according to one's age, therefore, midorexia or age crisis can be treated psychologically to accept one's age and live according to it.

The most important thing of all is to recognize that you have this disorder and want to resolve it, so you will have a calmer and frustration-free life.

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n some adults who want to be young

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