It is based on a holistic vision that considers that ailments are a product of our thinking patterns or beliefs. In this way, when a way of speaking and thinking becomes a habit, it ends up being expressed in behaviors and body postures, ways of being and not being.
Under these assumptions, metamedicine recovers the meaning of symptoms and understands that the only authentic healing comes from the sincere desire to heal. This can motivate a person to make the necessary changes in those attitudes, feelings and emotions that cause their suffering.
The heart represents love, blood and joy.
This organ feeds on love to pump joy through our veins. By depriving ourselves of these two feelings, the heart becomes cold and the circulation becomes sluggish. This is how anemia, angina and heart attacks come.
To avoid heart disease, we must be able to put aside the problems in which we get entangled daily to enjoy the pleasures of life.
The ears represent the ability to listen .
Ear problems show that we do not want to find out about something that is happening to us or that what we hear makes us angry. For example, children often suffer from problems in this part of the body and are no longer allowed to express their anger. They find themselves, at the same time, with the inability to change things.
The head represents ourselves.
It is the part of our body by which we are usually recognized. When something is wrong in this region it is because we feel that something is wrong in ourselves. Headaches, for example, can come from the fact that we disown ourselves. Thus, those who suffer from migraines or migraines tend to be very perfectionist people who put excessive pressure on themselves. This generates intense repressed anger.
The next time you feel pain like this, think about how and when you have been unfair to yourself. When you can forgive yourself and stop thinking about it, the headache will disappear.
Hair represents strength.
By being tense and scared, we can generate so much tension in the scalp that we do not let it breathe, causing the death of the follicles and hair loss. If the tension is maintained, the follicle will continue to be so tight that new hair will not be able to emerge. The result: baldness.
It is about understanding that real strength lies in serenity, in being centered and relaxed, and not in tension.
The eyes represent the ability to see.
When we have a problem with them, it is usually because there is something we don't want to see, whether in ourselves or in a past, present or future life. Impressive healing experiences are known in people who have agreed to go back in time to find what they did not want to see and throw it away.
The joints allow the production of movements with grace and ease.
When they are stiff, our body becomes rigid and inflexible, thus losing the ability to express itself. Its inflammation denotes resistance or irritation with respect to movement. It may be a fear of what awaits us ahead or the difficulty of submitting to it.
Energy moves through the joints, so that an ailment in one of them indicates that we are taking strength from that part of our body. The reason is linked to the affected area. For example, the joints of the shoulder, elbows and wrists allow us to flow from the heart to the hands so that we can express our emotional feelings. In addition, they allow us to unleash our creativity and our manipulative and executive skills. Any problem in any of them may imply a fear of expressing that energy, a setback or resistance to it.
The paranasal sinuses represent the irritation that someone is causing us.
These are problems that manifest themselves on the face, in the area closest to the nose. They are usually the manifestation of the irritation generated by a very close person. We may even feel that this individual is suffocating or crushing us.
The back represents our support system.
When we have problems with her, it is because we do not feel supported. The upper back is related to the feeling of lack of emotional support. The middle part, with guilt, what we hide and don't want to see.
The throat represents the ability to assert ourselves and the creative flow in our body.
It is linked to our ability to defend ourselves verbally, to ask for what we want and express who we are. If it is affected, it is usually because we do not feel that we have the right to do those things, that is, to assert ourselves.
It also represents the flow of creativity in our body. When we frustrate and stifle our creative potential, symptoms often appear. This is the case of those people who live by pleasing others.
A sore throat is always associated with anger, its greatest exponent being laryngitis, a disease in which the anger is such that one cannot speak. If the pain is accompanied by a cold, it is because there is also mental confusion. Tonsillitis and thyroid problems are also frustrated creativity that cannot find how to express itself.
When we resist change, or are trying to make it, we often have a lot of activity in the throat. When you cough, ask yourself: What was just said? What am I reacting to? Is it resistance and stubbornness or is there a process of change taking place?
Excess weight and fears represent a need for protection linked to both specific fears and a general fear of life.
The best way to combat obesity is not found in diets, but in learning to love and approve of yourself. By counteracting negative thoughts, it is possible to solve the weight problem.
Swellings of the body, for their part, represent blockages in the emotional state. These are the product of holding on to the memory of situations that hurt us. Getting rid of these memories can help us resolve these ailments.
The legs represent the fear of progress.
As they are what moves us forward, pain in this part of the body usually signals a fear of moving forward or a refusal to continue walking in one direction. Varicose veins indicate that we are in a job or a place that makes us sick. When this condition appears, the veins lose their ability to transport energy.
The knees, like the neck, are related to flexibility.
When we move forward, we are afraid to bow down and we become stiff because we do not want to change our way of being. This is how the joints become stiff. Knees take time to heal because what is at stake is our self. When you have problems with them, ask yourself what you are justifying and what you are refusing to bow down to.
Accidents are expressions of anger
They denote an accumulation of frustrations in those people who do not feel free to express themselves or assert themselves. They also signal rebellion against authority. The anger that this generates ends up turning against themselves.
On the other hand, when we feel guilty, an accident is a way of punishing ourselves. At the same time, it allows us to place ourselves in the place of victims and resort to the compassion of others. It's about thinking that we are the ones who generate them, not destiny.
The emotional counterpart of some diseases.
Anorexia and bulimia are the ultimate expression of self-hatred. It is about identifying what it is that we see so badly and changing the vision we have of ourselves to achieve acceptance.
Arthritis originates from a constant critical attitude toward oneself or others. Those who suffer from this disease tend to question themselves very much, which is why they are frequently very perfectionist.
Asthma denotes a love that suffocates. Thus, it affects people who do not feel that they have the right to breathe for themselves.
Abscesses, burns, cuts, fevers, sores and inflammations indicate anger expressing itself in the body. You have to find a way to let out the accumulated pressure in a harmless way.
Cancer is a disease caused by deep, long-held resentment. When something in childhood destroys our feeling of trust, we never forget that experience. This makes the individual live in self-pity. Life then presents itself as a series of disappointments, which makes it very easy to blame others for our problems. People who have cancer also tend to be self-critical.
By managing to love ourselves, we remember that situations are created by us. Our frustration is not other people's fault.
Remember that you can heal!
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"Because prevention is better than cure"