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How to detect depression and what are its signs?

January marks World Day to combat depression, a condition that the WHO considers one of the main causes of disability in the world. Because of this, acting at the first signs is very important. However, what are the signs of depression?
The pandemic generated a movement to make mental health problems visible, which multiplied exponentially due to confinement, fear of death and as a direct consequence of the illness caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Some of the main symptoms of depression are these, according to specialists:
  • Insomnia: biochemical changes in the brain as a result of depression maintain alertness and change the sleep cycle. For this reason it is common to stay awake at night and want to sleep during the day.
  • Mood changes: although they can be a sign of other conditions, when they occur drastically and, sometimes, linked to insomnia or the frustration caused by a lack of motivation to perform the simplest tasks, they are usually linked to depression.
  • Recursive behaviors: One of the natural ways to deal with depression is the security that comes from familiar things. Visit places you have already gone to, watch the same movies or series. Feeling more motivated by what is known and comfortable could be a sign that you are suffering from depression. They could also indicate the development of obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
  • Anxiety: despite being a separate condition, which does not always accompany depression, anxiety is associated with it as the other end of the emotional “spectrum” that people who suffer from this type of disorders go through.
  • Pain : it is proven that somatizing mental illnesses can translate into bodily discomfort. However, when depression appears, cortisol found in the brain acts on muscle fibers and causes them to contract. As a result of this, pain or numbness is felt.
In Mexico, the latest INEGI National Self-Reported Wellbeing Survey reveals that 15.4% of Mexicans over 18 years of age suffered from symptoms of depression during the two weeks prior to the survey. At the same time, more than 19% reported having suffered from anxiety. In both cases, the most affected are women


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Marycarmen ,

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