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6 myths about breast cysts and breast cancer

Treatments for breast cysts

Breast cancer prevention is largely in your own hands. Monthly self-examination, routine visits to the doctor and constantly informing yourself are your best weapons against it. However, sometimes you may have doubts about supposed “facts” that may not turn out to be entirely true, or on the contrary: you may believe that you know the whole truth about breast cancer, breast cysts, and that you are wrong. Here we talk to you about a series of myths and truths, so that you have clear information.

Silvia was watching television one day and accidentally touched her breast. She felt a “lump” and was immediately alarmed because she thought it was breast cancer. It is estimated that approximately four out of every 10 women will find a cyst in one of their breasts throughout their lives. So if you have one or more cysts, pay attention. Maybe you are underestimating or overestimating your finding. Here I tell you more about the myths and truths about cysts or lumps in the breasts. Take note:

1. “I found a cyst in my breast, I have cancer”

Before you assume this, calm down. Most cysts you discover are probably not cancer. Some are benign cysts or reflect a common condition known as fibroadenoma or fibrocystic changes. However, some cysts can be pre-cancerous or malignant. Therefore, WHENEVER you encounter one, it is important that you consult your doctor immediately to establish the diagnosis and determine the corresponding treatment, if anything is necessary.

2. “No one in my family has suffered from breast cancer, so I shouldn't worry.”

Fake! Although family history of breast cancer (genetics) is a risk factor, it does not mean that you are free of all risk if no woman in your family has developed it. Like all women in the world, you should follow your self-examination routine and recommended mammograms according to your age.

3. “A cancerous cyst or tumor feels different to the touch than a benign one.”

There is a notion that a cancerous tumor in the breast is hard to the touch and does not move. This can lead to confusion, because cancerous cysts can also be soft and move. So don't trust yourself.

4. “Breast cancer is always identified by touching a cyst”

The truth is that it is not like that. In most cases, breast cancer is identified on mammography, before a cyst can be touched. Hence the importance of this exam.

5. “I'm too young to worry about breast cancer.”

Do not trust! Although the risk of breast cancer increases after menopause, 25% of women diagnosed are under 50 years old. Breast cancer can affect women at any age.

6. “If I am diagnosed with breast cancer, it means I am going to die.”

The truth is that fortunately, if breast cancer is detected early, it is highly treatable. In 98% of cases that are detected in time, they survive between 5 and 10 years.

Don't believe myths without first consulting your doctor. You have the power of early breast cancer detection in your hands if you know your body and perform regular monthly self-examinations, visit your doctor for an annual exam, and follow the American Cancer Society's recommendations for breast cancer. prevention and early detection ( to see them, click here ).

Although there is much to learn, there is much we can do today for early detection and treatment.

"Because prevention is better than cure"

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