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September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day
The number of people around the world dying by suicide is falling, but still, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds, according to new figures from the World Health Organization, which urged countries to do more to stop these preventable deaths. Below we give you 10 ways to help prevent a tragedy from happening at home. Pay close attention!

Between 2010 and 2016, the global suicide rate fell by 9.8%, the UN health body said in its second report on the subject. The only region that saw an increase was the Americas.

Every death is a tragedy for family, friends and colleagues. Now, suicides can be prevented. We call on all countries to consistently incorporate proven suicide prevention strategies into their national health and training programs.

The WHO said about 800,000 people die by suicide each year, more than those who die from malaria, breast cancer or from war or homicide, calling it a “serious global public health problem.” The UN body said only 38 countries have suicide prevention strategies.

Worldwide, more men than women committed suicide, the WHO said, with 7.5 suicide deaths per 100,000 women and 13.7 suicides per 100,000 men. The only countries where the suicide rate was estimated to be higher in women than in men were Bangladesh, China, Lesotho, Morocco and Myanmar.

“While 79% of suicides worldwide occurred in low- and middle-income countries, high-income countries had the highest rate, at 11.5 per 100,000” people, the WHO said.

Nearly three times as many men as women die by suicide in high-income countries, in contrast to low- and middle-income countries, where the rate is more equal.

Suicide was the second cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29, after traffic accidents. In adolescents aged 15 to 19, suicide is the second cause of death among girls (after maternal conditions) and the third among boys (after traffic accidents and interpersonal violence).

The organization said one way to reduce the global suicide rate would be to limit access to pesticides, which, along with hanging and firearms, are the most common method of suicide. For example, in Sri Lanka, a series of bans on highly dangerous pesticides led to a 70% decrease in suicides, saving approximately 93,000 lives between 1995 and 2015. Similarly, in South Korea, the ban on the herbicide paraquat was followed by a 50% decline in suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning between 2011 and 2013.

Other steps that the WHO said have helped reduce suicides include educating the media on how to responsibly report on suicide, identifying people at risk early and helping young people develop skills to help them cope with the stress of suicide. life.

Suicide prevention

10 things parents can do to prevent suicide

As children become teenagers, it is harder for parents to know how they are feeling and what they are thinking. When do temperament changes become something of concern?

It is important to know what factors can put adolescents at risk of suicide. Invest some of your time in reading these 10 ways to help prevent a tragedy from happening. The more you know, the better prepared you will be to understand what may put your child at risk.

1. Don't let a teen's depression or anxiety grow unchecked.

Maybe your child is simply having a bad day, but it could be something more if it lasts more than a couple of weeks.

Fact: 9 out of 10 teens who take their own lives met the criteria for a diagnosis of psychiatric or mental problems or disorders, more than half of them with mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety.

Depressed people often isolate themselves, when they are secretly crying to be rescued. Many times they are too ashamed to communicate their sadness to others, including mom and dad. Men in particular may try to hide their emotions due to the mistaken belief that exhibiting vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

Let's not wait for young people to come to us with their problems. Knock on his door, sit on the bed and say, “You look sad. Is there anything you would like to talk about? Maybe I can help you.”

2. Listen to your teen, even when he or she isn't talking.

Not all, but the majority of minors who are thinking about suicide, transmit their tormented mental state through conflictive behaviors. Studies have found that a common feature of families torn apart by the suicide of a son or daughter is poor communication between the parents and the child. However, there are usually three or more factors or circumstances that are present at the same time in the child's life when he or she is thinking about taking his or her own life.

These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Major loss (for example, relationship breakup or death)
  • Substance abuse
  • Social pressure or peer pressure
  • Access to firearms
  • public humiliation
  • a chronic illness
  • Aggressiveness

If your gut tells you that a teenager could be a danger to himself, pay attention to your instincts and don't let him be left alone. In this case, it is better to exaggerate than to underplay.

3. Never ignore suicide threats as typical teenage melodrama.

Any written or verbal statement that says "I want to die" or "I don't care about anything anymore" should be taken seriously. Children who attempt suicide often tell their parents repeatedly that they intended to kill themselves. Most research supports that people who openly threaten suicide do not actually intend to do so and that the threat is just a desperate call for help. Although this is true in many cases.

Any of these other calls for help require your immediate attention and action and to ask a professional for help as soon as possible:

  • "Nothing matters".
  • “I wonder how many people would come to my funeral.”
  • “Sometimes I wish I could just fall asleep and never wake up again.”
  • "Everyone would be better off without me."
  • “You won't have to worry about me for long.”

When a teen starts making thinly veiled comments like that or outright admits that he's thinking about suicide, try not to flinch ("What, are you crazy?!") or belittle ("What a ridiculous thing you say!"). Above all, don't say, “You don't mean it!”; although you are probably right. Be willing to listen without judgment to what they are really saying, which is: “I need your love and attention because I am in so much pain and I can't handle this alone.”

Seeing a child so distraught could break any parent's heart. However, the immediate focus should be on comforting him; Then you can express what you feel. In a calm voice you can say, “I understand. "You must really feel a lot of pain inside."

4. Seek professional help immediately.

If your teen's behavior has you concerned, contact a mental health provider who works with children to have your child evaluated as soon as possible so that your son or daughter can begin receiving therapy or counseling if he or she does not. They run the risk of harming themselves.

5. Share your feelings.

Let your child know that they are not alone and that we all feel sad or depressed sometimes, even moms and dads. Without minimizing his distress, reassure him that these bad times won't last forever. Tell him or her that things are really going to get better and that you can help him or her through therapy and other treatments to make things better for him or her.

6. Encourage him not to isolate himself from family and friends.

Most times it is better to be with other people than to be alone. But don't force him if he says no.

7. Recommend exercise.

Physical activity as simple as walking or as vigorous as lifting weights can lessen mild to moderate depression.

Exercising causes a gland in the brain to release endorphins, a substance thought to improve mood and reduce pain. Endorphins also reduce the amount of cortisol in circulation. Cortisol is a hormone that has been linked to depression.

Exercise distracts people from their problems and makes them feel better about themselves.

Experts recommend exercising thirty to forty minutes a day, two to five days a week.

Any form of exercise works; What is important is that young people enjoy the activity and do it consistently.

8. Encourage your child not to push himself too hard just yet.

Until therapy starts to take effect, it's probably not time to take on responsibilities that could feel overwhelming. Suggest that you break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks whenever possible and engage in activities that you enjoy and that cause you less stress. The goal is to once again build confidence and self-esteem.

9. Remind a teen undergoing treatment not to expect immediate results.

Talk therapy or medications usually take time to improve your mood, so don't feel disappointed or blame yourself if you don't feel better right away.

10. If you have firearms in the home, store them in a safe place or move them to another location until the crisis passes.

Fact: Gun suicide among American youth reached a 12-year high in 2013, with the majority of deaths involving a firearm belonging to a family member, according to a report from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Any of these deaths could have been prevented if the firearm was not available.

If you suspect your son or daughter is suicidal, it would be a good move to keep alcohol and medications locked away; even over-the-counter medicines.

Better to be safe, share this information.

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