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Yoga for the eyes 👀

Yoga for the eyes

Maintaining good visual health these days is a bit complicated due to long work and study days, prolonged use of electronic devices and poor diet, causing muscle inefficiency as well as emotional tension. That's why I recommend taking a short break during the day to dedicate a few minutes to your eyes and generate a feeling of well-being with the following exercises:

Before starting the practice you must stop everything you are doing and sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Let's get started!

1. Eyes up and down

Inhale and bring your eyes completely up, without moving your head, exhale and bring your eyes down, as far as you can. Repeat the sequence 5 times and return to the center.

2. Eyes from right to left

Inhale and bring your eyes to the right, if necessary draw a line with your finger, but without moving your head, exhale and bring your eyes completely to the left. Repeat the sequence 5 times and return your gaze to the center.

3. Diagonal eyes

Inhale again and guide your finger to bring your eyes diagonally up to the right, exhale and bring your gaze down to the left. Repeat the sequence 5 times, return to the center and start again. Inhale, but now bringing your eyes up to the left, exhale and bring your eyes down to the right, do this sequence 5 times and return your gaze to the center.

4. Eyes spinning

Inhale and make a circular path with your eyes following a clockwise direction, breathe slowly and repeat the sequence 5 times. Return to the center to start again, inhale and do the eye movement now counterclockwise, keep your breathing slow while repeating the movement 5 times.

5. Eyes to the center

Inhale and bring your eyes to the center, as if looking at your nose, exhale and look ahead looking for the farthest point. Repeat the sequence for 5 breaths and return your gaze to the center.

6. Rested eyes

Blink as fast as possible 10 or 20 times, close your eyes and take 5 breaths, repeat the action 4 more times. Once the sequence is completed, rub your hands quickly until they feel warm and place them over your eyes. That heat will help relax and release tension from your eyesight and eyelids.

If you practice these exercises every day or at least one day every two, your eyes will thank you and you will also notice improvements in concentration and stress in general.

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