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October 23, Doctor's Day in Mexico

October 23, Doctor's Day in Mexico

Why is Doctor's Day celebrated in Mexico on October 23?

In Mexico since 1937, Doctor's Day has been celebrated every October 23, a date that was established during the Convention of Confederated Medical Unions of the Republic in tribute to Dr. Valentín Gómez Farías who in 1833 inaugurated the Medical Sciences Establishment in the City of Mexico.

Medicine as a field of knowledge and action is a source of constant interest and has been conceived as a science, art and more for many centuries (16th century) since it is the sum of the mastery of theoretical knowledge and technical skills that are perfected over time.

The celebration of Doctor's Day seeks to recognize the work of all doctors who save lives and offer everyone hope to move forward.

Promote health, prevent diseases, make timely diagnoses; Effective treatments and rehabilitation of those who need it are clear and main objectives of doctors.

The first doctor of medicine diploma in Mexico was awarded to Juan Blanco de Alcázar on August 10, 1553.

Some data on doctors in Mexico indicate that 79 percent work in urban areas, while 2.3 percent work in rural communities.

The country's national public health system has more than 300,000 general practitioners and specialists, of which 36 percent are concentrated in the states of Mexico City, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Veracruz and Puebla.

While the states where the largest population of doctors is concentrated are: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Veracruz and Puebla.

As a curious fact about medicine these days, people tend to ask more medical questions to Google than to doctors.

Happy Doctor's Day!

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