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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Empacho: Síntomas y Remedios caseros - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Dato Curioso, Nutrición, Obesidad, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    Empacho: Symptoms and Home Remedies

    Eating foods with a lot of fat, eating while smoking and even eating while walking are other circumstances that can lead to indigestion or nausea.

  • Las 5 mejores frutas para adelgazar - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Antioxidantes, Bienestar, Consejos, Dieta, Ejercicio, Nutrición, Obesidad, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    The 5 best fruits to lose weight

    Now you know the 5 best fruits to lose weight, remember that exercise is also essential in this process, in the same way, food supplements play a very important role...

  • PRONAPRESA te recomienda el Plan Detox de 15 días - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa

    PRONAPRESA recommends the 15-day Detox Plan

    In our daily lives, we hear more and more about detox plans, toxins, purifications, etc. We are also increasingly aware of the toxins that accumulate in our body as a...

  • Té de hierba de limón para la migraña - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Dolor, Migraña, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Recetas, Salud

    Lemongrass tea for migraine

    Drinking water is one of the simplest measures that is usually recommended when suffering from a headache, since hydration contributes to relief. According to a study carried out at Griffith...

  • Obesidad: La inflamación celular - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Carbohidratos, Colesterol, Corazon, Diabetes, Dieta, Ejercicio, Estreñimiento, Fibra, Inflamación, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Obesidad, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    Obesity: Cellular inflammation

    Did you know that those who suffer from obesity have what is known as a low-grade inflammatory state? It is not yet known whether this state precedes or follows weight...

  • Jugos para fortalecer el sistema inmune - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Gripa, Nutrición, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Inmunológico, Vitamina C

    Juices to strengthen the immune system

    The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend us from germs. It helps our bodies recognize these "invaders" and keep them...

  • El poder de... El Tamarindo - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Colesterol, Consejos, Cuidado de la piel, Dato Curioso, Estreñimiento, Fibra, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Recetas, Salud

    The power of...El Tamarindo

    It is widely cultivated in Mexico through grafting (union of one piece of plant with another) and seeds, under warm and semi-dry conditions. It is produced by grafting at 3...