It is a process that all women at a certain age have to go through. Some symptoms are inherent to all of them and others are more specific or specific. But be careful, because having menopause is not synonymous with suffering. Do you want to know better how menopause develops?
Many people confuse some words or moments in women's lives, so it is worth differentiating them:
Menopause: it is the moment from which the last menstruation occurs as a consequence of the loss of ovarian function. It is determined when there is no menstruation for 12 consecutive months (what is known as amenorrhea). The average age of onset of menopause is 51 years, although in some women it occurs earlier or later. It is something that only develops in the female sex.
Climaterium: is the complete transition period between the reproductive and post-reproductive interval. Therefore, menopause is one of the episodes within the climacteric.
Post menopause: it is the cycle that develops after menopause.Pre-menopause: it is the period before menopause, when changes occur in menstruation and so-called “hot flashes” or “hot flashes” appear.

At what age does menopause occur?
As stated previously, the average age at which menopause appears is around 51 years, but this can vary depending on various family, personal (smoking, obesity, diabetes or sedentary lifestyle) or specific factors (history of chemotherapy, invasive treatments and radiation).
Why does menopause occur?
If we speak in medical terms, we must say that it is basic ovarian deficiency. That is, ovulation stops and the production of ovarian estrogens is reduced, so that the woman no longer has the ability to reproduce.
What does menopause represent in women?
Beyond the clinical, it is a vital crisis in a woman's life, a more than important change, just like her first menstruation or pregnancy. It undoubtedly represents a modification in their way of life, it is the end of a stage (the reproductive one) and at the same time the beginning of another. It can cause depression or very strong emotional imbalances.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
Regarding the medical or physical signs of menopause, we must highlight endocrine gland disorders, sleep disturbances, depression, urogenital atrophy, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, vasomotor symptoms and sexual problems.
As far as psychologically is concerned, it is a crisis that must be analyzed and treated accordingly. Not all women are affected on this level, but there is a change in the way they see themselves in the world, since for many menopause is synonymous with old age.
What habits should be changed to better cope with menopause?
Women can better manage this moment in their lives by changing some habits, for example, following a healthy diet and doing physical exercise to avoid obesity and heart problems. It is also advisable to stop smoking, consume more calcium to avoid suffering from osteoporosis, etc.
The best way to face this stage is to live it in the most natural way possible. There are many factors that influence the way we deal with menopause: the woman's personality, culture, environment, beliefs, society, family members, etc.
Therefore, it is necessary to consult with specialists and not take it as if it were an illness, but as another episode of female existence.
Why are hot flashes so common during menopause?
This symptom is one of the most typical and is characterized by hot flashes and increased sweating, even when it is not hot. The condition is also accompanied by palpitations. It affects about 80% of women in the menopausal stage and its estimated duration is one year.
It does not cause health problems, but it can affect a woman's social and emotional life. It is one of the main reasons for medical consultation. Hot flashes are usually related to a psychological element such as stress, emotion, nerves or conflicts, although this is not proven. And it can appear at any time of the day, including while sleeping.
Does menopause lead to the appearance of diseases?
The hormonal changes of this stage in women result in different symptoms, which can vary according to each person. In the short term, irritability, palpitations, sweating, headaches, hot flashes, nervousness, emotional instability, “bone disease” and a tendency toward obesity develop.
In the medium term, changes occur in the muscles, skin, urinary system and genitals. In the long term it appears osteoporosis and there is an increase in cardiovascular risk.
Why does menopause affect women emotionally?
Beyond being a “hinge” stage in a woman's life, emotional or mood disorders are also due to imbalances in the production of the hormone estrogen. It is likely that more changes in mood will be observed during this stage, which can affect personal, family and even professional life.
Good advice is to know well everything that happens during menopause, so you can deal with it naturally.
If you want to prevent the discomfort of menopause and some symptoms, we recommend:
Strengthens the female reproductive system and bones, helps prevent the discomfort of menopause