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Take care of your nervous system: tips and recommendations

The nervous system controls the functions of your body. It is composed of neurons, specialized cells whose function is to receive sensory stimuli and transmit them to different parts of the body. Taking into account that it is a regulatory system, we must give it the necessary care for the correct functioning of our body.

What is the importance of taking care of the nervous system?

When you are born, your neurons begin to grow and develop. You must keep in mind that these are limited and cannot be regenerated. Our body is formed in such a way that the lack of neurons impairs the functioning of our nervous system and that of our body. Among the functions controlled by neurons are respiration and digestion. Likewise, temperature regulation, motor functions and control of the senses. Without any of these, our body would stop in a matter of seconds.

Consequences of a harmful lifestyle for the nervous system

Having an unhealthy lifestyle affects the proper functioning of the nervous system.

  • Dementia: loss or weakening of mental faculties.
  • Amnesia: inability to remember events over a period of time.
  • Sensory alterations: disorder that affects the way the person organizes and integrates the different senses.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Headaches or migraines: intense headaches.
  • Anxiety, depression or psychosis disorders.
  • Degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
  • Cerebrovascular diseases.

Repetitive habits: what to do and what not to do?

Repetitive habits are related to the individual's health status. If we have a routine based on repetitive healthy habits, we will ensure that our body receives what it needs. Next, we will show you some examples of the habits that you should and should not repeat for the proper functioning of your nervous system:

Sleep habit: at bedtime you should be in a cool, quiet place, without visual or auditory stimuli that affect your rest. Remember to rest six hours a day to avoid sleep disorders.

Physical activity: we recommend that you do moderate exercise, regularly and without being excessive. It is important to know that both a sedentary lifestyle and strenuous exercise can produce stressful situations and alter the body.

Food: it is very important to have a balanced diet. Eat foods that provide energy and avoid others such as bad fats – that is, saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats – since in the future you may suffer from cardiovascular problems. So if you want to improve your concentration and your intellectual development, nourish your body with complex carbohydrates (cereals), protein (sea foods, lean white meat or yogurt) and with vitamins B, C, E, K, P, among others.

Psychoactive substances: if you are one of those people who drinks coffee, smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol, we recommend that you avoid their consumption. The chemical composition of these substances affects the nervous system, since it alters brain functions, producing reversible and irreversible injuries.

Pollution: avoid contaminated places such as factories, industries or hospitals. These spaces contain substances toxic to our body that affect our neurons.

Stress and emotional factors: we advise you to carry out activities that help your mental health. Carrying out reading activities, games, crossword puzzles or listening to relaxing music are activities that help maintain the proper functioning of the brain. This way you avoid stressful situations that could harm you.

"Because prevention is better than cure"

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