Presbyopia is a vision defect that we commonly refer to as eyestrain. Surely you have noticed at some point that most people over the age of 50 begin to move away from books, cell phones or any item because they are not able to see it well from close up.
This is a process that affects around 85% of people over 45 years of age.
The eye's lens needs to change its shape to focus on nearby objects. The ability of the lens to change shape is due to the elasticity of the lens. This is slowly lost as people age. The result is a slow loss of the eye's ability to focus on nearby objects.
Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process and affects everyone.
What symptoms does presbyopia cause?
- The main and most obvious symptom is that it begins to be difficult to focus on objects at close range. For example, it is very easy to check this when it comes to reading a book or watching something on the mobile screen. People with presbyopia begin to move these objects further away in order to see clearly.
- Another of the most frequent symptoms is headache, which appears especially when reading. Likewise, the eyes suffer and become fatigued. Many people experience itching, dry eyes, redness and watering.
- Additionally, symptoms often worsen at night and in situations where the light is dimmer or there is more darkness. In fact, as age increases, the defect intensifies more and more and the symptoms worsen.
Is there any way to prevent or treat presbyopia?
The truth is that, since it is a natural process, it cannot be prevented. There are some ways to delay its appearance, although it is not proven that they are really useful. The idea is to maintain adequate visual hygiene.
- To do this, first of all, it is important to rest your eyes from time to time. Especially when constantly working with the computer. It is advisable to take half-hour breaks to relax your eyes.
- Likewise, it is recommended to spend some time outdoors with natural light. Furthermore, when going for a walk or sunbathing, you must protect your eyes with sunglasses. They are basic measures to take care of your eyesight in general.
The treatment of presbyopia is based on the use of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses or surgery. First of all, glasses can be reading, bifocal or progressive. Reading ones have always been the most used, but they are increasingly less recommended, because they are only useful for something specific.
Bifocal lenses are currently almost out of use. However, progressive lenses allow you to focus your vision at all distances, both far and near. The upper part of the lens corrects distance vision, while the lower part improves near vision. The change between zones is progressive.
Although it is a slightly more complex option, there are currently numerous surgical techniques that can significantly improve presbyopia. It is best to go to an ophthalmologist and have him help you decide the best treatment for you, according to your symptoms, your age and your general conditions.
In conclusion
Presbyopia, also called eyestrain, is a normal process that accompanies aging. It consists of the lens becoming less elastic over time, and close vision becomes difficult. It cannot be prevented, but there are currently many ways to improve these vision defects.
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