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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • La curiosidad, el aprendizaje y la memoria

    Curiosity, learning and memory

    Why is the sky blue? Who is that woman, what is her name, what does she do, where does she live, what are her interests? The seed of discoveries (scientific...

  • 6 mitos sobre los quistes en los senos y el cáncer de mama

    6 myths about breast cysts and breast cancer

    Breast cancer prevention is largely in your own hands. Monthly self-examination, routine visits to the doctor and constantly informing yourself are your best weapons against it. However, sometimes you may...

  • 9 tipos diferentes de dolores de cabeza (Parte 2)

    9 different types of headaches (Part 2)

    Headaches are a major cause of missed work and school. They also affect social and family life. For some people, the continued struggle with headaches causes anxiety and depression. Last...

  • Consejos para convivir con la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

    Tips for living with inflammatory bowel disease

    Inflammatory bowel disease is a broad name used to describe different disorders related to the digestive tract that have inflammation in common. Some of the symptoms related to this disease...

  • 12 alimentos saludables y asequibles

    12 healthy and affordable foods

    Rising food prices can make grocery shopping a challenge right now. If you want to keep a reasonable budget, you may have to make some difficult decisions or buy other...

  • Consejos diarios para el cuidado de la psoriasis

    Daily tips for psoriasis care

    Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases and the most recent studies estimate that it can affect 2.3% of the population. Most people who suffer from psoriasis do...