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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

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  • Beneficios del agua con chía - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Antioxidantes, Bienestar, Consejos, Depurador, Desintoxicacion, Detox, Diabetes, Dieta, Estreñimiento, Fibra, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Obesidad, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    Benefits of water with chia

    Vegetable drinks have become fashionable and there is little doubt about that. Many of them offer a series of health benefits, so including them in your regular diet can be...

  • Pomada de árnica: Beneficios para el dolor - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Articulaciones, Bienestar, Consejos, Dolor, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Salud

    Arnica ointment: Benefits for pain

    Arnica is a yellow herbaceous plant, native to Europe, that has been used for many years for its medicinal properties. In particular, it stands out for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic...

  • Beneficios del té de jengibre con limón - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Dato Curioso, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud

    Benefits of ginger tea with lemon

    Preparing a ginger infusion with lemon is a healthy option for consuming a homemade tea. Ginger is the root of a plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, known not only...

  • Cómo tratar la pesadez estomacal - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Estreñimiento, Inflamación, Linaza, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    How to treat heaviness in the stomach

    We can suffer from it after a very heavy meal or one with too much fat. Stomach heaviness is a very common problem today, due to the diet we eat....

  • Tipos de Neuralgia que existen - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Dato Curioso, Dolor, Medicina Tradicional, Migraña, Naturopatía, Salud

    Types of Neuralgia that exist

    The types of neuralgia are varied because this disorder is defined as pain that occurs in the distribution of a specific nerve, whose function is normal, that is, it is...

  • Posibles causas de la debilidad del cuerpo - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Cansancio, Consejos, Ejercicio, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Salud

    Possible causes of body weakness

    It is common for many people to feel that their muscle strength suddenly decreases. This can be a very frightening symptom, since you are unaware of the causes of weakness...

  • Beneficio de los arándanos para nuestra salud - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Antioxidantes, Bienestar, Consejos, Cuidado de la piel, Dato Curioso, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud

    Benefit of blueberries for our health

    Blueberries, small dark blue or red berries with a sweet flavor with a touch of acid, belong to the berry family and are one of the healthiest fruits on the...