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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Anemia: Síntomas, Causas y Alimentación

    Anemia: Symptoms, Causes and Diet

    Data The most common type of anemia in Mexico is caused by iron deficiency. According to the WHO, about 25% of the world's population suffers from some type of anemia....

  • Hábitos que provocan un intestino poco saludable

    Habits that cause an unhealthy intestine

    Your gut is much more important to your health than you think. That's why it's important to know what habits are harming you and know what to do. Research shows...

  • Bañarse con agua fría tiene beneficios para la salud

    Bathing with cold water has health benefits

    “ A cold shower can stimulate circulation and encourage collagen production in the skin. There are several advantages to choosing cold water when bathing. The anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect ,...

  • ¿Qué puede esconder el insomnio?

    What can insomnia hide?

    Do you not sleep well and have you tried everything to fall asleep? There are times when another pathology such as celiac disease is behind insomnia. Insomnia is a common...

  • Ventajas para la salud de volver a la rutina

    Health advantages of returning to routine

    January is synonymous with returning to routine, work, studies... and also the so-called ' post-vacation depression' , that sadness and discouragement that we feel when having to go back to...