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Learn about foods that help reduce joint pain

Learn about foods that help reduce joint pain

He joint pain It can be caused by a sports injury, but also by some degenerative diseases, such as arthritis. To treat these conditions, patients must see a specialist to develop a long-term recovery plan.

Certain foods and spices have been proven to help eliminate pain and inflammation, strengthen bones, and generally improve your daily life. We present some foods that help reduce joint pain:


Vitamin C is excellent for our immune system. Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits contain it in high amounts, which will help prevent inflammatory arthritis and joint pain.


Grapes contain proanthocyanidin, a type of flavonoid that reduces inflammation and pain in the joints.


Especially, unsweetened sour cherry juice has excellent results for those suffering from osteoarthritis. A study conducted on women with this disease showed that after drinking this juice for three weeks, their inflammation levels were reduced and some of their pain was also relieved.


They are tasty and rich in antioxidants. One of its compounds is kaempferol, a type of flavonol, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, pain, and slow the progression of osteoarthritis.


Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound derived from sulfur, which helps relieve joint pain and helps reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


It reduces blood pressure and strengthens the body against heart diseases. In addition, garlic has interesting anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the risk of osteoarthritis and related pain.


Soy is low in fat and rich in protein and fiber. It contains fatty acids that help with pain caused by joint inflation. It is necessary to remember that its benefits are not used in derived products, which frequently have high salt and sugar content.


It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Studies have shown that crocin, one of the main components of turmeric, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties; Likewise, it is effective in people who suffer from joint pain.


A study on the effects of ginger on people who suffered from severe knee joint pain showed that, after using it for a while, 63 percent of patients reported high pain relief.

Green Tea

Above all it is known due to its antioxidant qualities and for stimulating metabolism. Additionally, it contains a compound called polyphenol, an anti-inflammatory, and helps relieve pain. Another study has shown that epigallocatechin gallate, which is also found in green tea, stops joint damage in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Remember that prevention is better than cure

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