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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Beneficios Medicinales del Cartílago de Tiburón

    Medicinal Benefits of Shark Cartilage

    Components of Shark Cartilage This tissue contains a mix of proteins, glycosaminoglycans and minerals that are essential for maintaining joint, skin and bone health. Additionally, it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant...

  • Para qué Sirve la Ortiga más Ajo Rey

    What is Nettle plus King Garlic good for?

    What is Nettle and King Garlic? Nettle, also known as Urtica dioica, is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine due to its medicinal properties. It...

  • Glucosamina: Escudo Natural Contra la Osteoartritis

    Glucosamine: Natural Shield Against Osteoarthritis

    Glucosamine: Prevention against Osteoarthritis Joint health is essential to maintaining an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Osteoarthritis, one of the most common forms of arthritis , affects millions of people around...

  • Conoce los alimentos que ayudan a reducir el dolor de articulaciones

    Learn about foods that help reduce joint pain

    He joint pain It can be caused by a sports injury, but also by some degenerative diseases, such as arthritis. To treat these conditions, patients must see a specialist to develop a...

  • ¿Qué es la artritis y cómo identificarla?

    What is arthritis and how to identify it?

    Arthritis is a very common and poorly understood disease. To begin, it should be clarified that arthritis is not a disease in itself, but rather an informal way of referring...

  • Osteoartritis: causas, síntomas y tratamiento

    Osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

    Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, or wear-and-tear arthritis. It is a joint condition that appears over time and is the most common form of arthritis....