Migraine is a type of headache that occurs more frequently in women than in men; It can have a hereditary component and, depending on the frequency with which the episodes occur, it can affect work performance, school performance, and social relationships.
In this article we will learn to differentiate migraine from headache; For this we will start by talking about how to classify pain.
Headache can be differentiated according to:
- The intensity is mild, moderate or severe.
- The duration of acute or chronic.
Once this point is defined, it is important to identify if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms or if it is due to another condition (anemia, vision problems).
What is the presentation of tension headache?
- It usually presents as a pressing pain, which feels like a weight, stinging, or burning.
- It is located on both sides of the head and is usually mild to moderate.
- It can last from half an hour to seven days and,
- It does not worsen with daily activities.
Treatment is based on the use of analgesics such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen) when the intensity of the pain warrants it.
What are the characteristics of migraine pain?
Migraine presents as pain that lasts between 4 and 72 hours, with complete recovery once the episode ends.
This pain is characterized by:
- Be pulsating.
- Located on one side of the head with severe to moderate intensity.
- It may be associated with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or loud sounds.
Treatment of acute migraine episodes includes the use of pain relievers such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs.
However, when the episodes occur more than three times a month; they are disabling or there is a failure of symptomatic treatment; The start of preventive treatment may be necessary.
Finally, there are some warning signs about headaches that indicate that a detailed study by the treating doctor is required:
- Pain that begins after age 50 or before age 10.
- It occurs after exercise, a change in position, or coughing.
- It is accompanied by symptoms such as: fever; skin breakouts; night sweats; weight loss or alterations in the state of consciousness.
- Persistent headache in the morning accompanied by nausea.
Remember to consult your doctor if symptoms persist, avoid self-medication and excessive consumption of painkillers, which, far from improving the pain, can cause it to become a chronic condition.
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