Excess alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure.
"This finding echoes studies of older men and women," said lead researcher Dr. Sarah Twichell, a clinical fellow in pediatrics at Boston Children's Hospital. In older men, he noted, the...
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"This finding echoes studies of older men and women," said lead researcher Dr. Sarah Twichell, a clinical fellow in pediatrics at Boston Children's Hospital. In older men, he noted, the...
Preventing colds, as well as viral infections that affect the upper respiratory tract, is especially important. Altogether a high mortality rate. In many cases, it is due to respiratory and...
Yoga is a physical and mental discipline of Hindu origin currently practiced throughout the world. It is, therefore, a practice that improves physical condition. There are many benefits at all...
While many come to think that an ozonizer is a luxury device, the truth is that having one at home provides us with benefits that go beyond avoiding those moisture...
The Sakuma Full Body method owes its name to its Japanese creator and the perspective he applies to the exercises. The inventor of the methodology is Kenichi Sakuma, and the...
Fatty liver is a chronic disease on the rise. It is possible to stop its progression with natural remedies for fatty liver. The liver is responsible for processing the fats...
Erectile dysfunction is a topic that many men are afraid to talk about, especially because of the cultural implications it entails. However, it is an increasingly common situation in consultations...
Non-alcoholic fruit cocktails have become popular in recent years. Not only are they ideal to enjoy on special occasions, but they can be taken during main meals or as a...
Sex is a fundamental part of relationships, which is why low sexual desire can be a serious problem and the origin of other confrontations, which although they may seem unrelated,...
Exercising and reducing fat in the diet are the first two recommendations that we should take into account so that our cholesterol levels are within optimal limits. Natural products, along...
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