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Healthy foods that help reduce the cold

Healthy foods that help reduce the cold
Winter brings cold temperatures, but it also gives us the opportunity to enjoy a variety of comforting and nutritious foods that not only satisfy our taste buds, but also help keep us warm and healthy. In this article, we will explore a selection of foods that are not only delicious, but are also essential allies in fighting the cold.

Warm and Comforting Soups: When the thermometer drops, soups become an essential dish to keep us warm from the inside out. Opting for homemade soups packed with fresh, nutritious ingredients not only improves our body temperature, but also provides an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals . Pumpkin, lentil, and tomato soups are tasty and nutritious options to combat the cold.

Pumpkin, rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, not only adds color to soups, but also promotes eye health and strengthens the immune system . On the other hand, lentils are an excellent source of protein and iron, crucial nutrients to maintain energy and combat fatigue. By incorporating tomatoes, rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant is added that helps protect our cells from damage.

Energizing Roots and Tubers: Roots and tubers are essential ingredients during the cold months, as they provide sustainable energy and contribute to the feeling of internal heat. Sweet potatoes, for example, are rich in vitamin C and fiber, in addition to having a lower glycemic index than traditional potatoes, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties, adds a spicy touch to winter dishes and can help improve blood circulation, thus promoting a feeling of warmth. Full of beta-carotene, carrots not only add color and flavor to stews, but they also benefit skin and vision health.

Fatty Fish for Internal Heat: Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, and tuna, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only beneficial for cardiovascular health, but can also help maintain a healthy body temperature. appropriate. These essential fatty acids play a crucial role in regulating inflammation and can improve resistance to low temperatures.

In addition to their health benefits, fatty fish are versatile in the kitchen. They can be baked, roasted or prepared on the grill, allowing for a variety of culinary options to keep us warm during the cold winter days.

Energy-Packed Seasonal Fruits: Although we most commonly associate fruits with summer, the winter season also provides us with a selection of delicious and nutritious options. Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits are rich in vitamin C , a key nutrient to strengthen the immune system and fight winter colds.

Apples and pears, available year-round, are fruits that can be enjoyed raw or cooked. Adding cinnamon to baked apples not only intensifies the flavor, but also provides an extra touch of warmth and comfort.

Nuts and Energy Seeds: Nuts and seeds are small nutritional treasures that can help us fight the cold and keep us full of energy. Walnuts, almonds and pistachios are rich sources of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Additionally, they contain essential minerals such as magnesium, which plays a crucial role in energy production.

Chia and flax seeds are great additions to smoothies, yogurts, or hot oatmeal. These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which not only promotes satiety but also helps maintain body temperature.

Hot Infusions and Comforting Spices: Nothing better than a cup of tea or a hot infusion to combat the cold. Green and black tea, loaded with antioxidants, not only offer a pleasant sensation of heat, but also have benefits for cardiovascular health and metabolism.

Herbal infusions, such as chamomile, mint and ginger, are known for their relaxing and digestive properties. Adding spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to hot drinks not only improves the taste but also provides an additional feeling of warmth and comfort.


Staying warm during the cold months not only means dressing appropriately, but also taking care of our diet. Incorporating healthy and nutritious foods such as comforting soups, roots and tubers, fatty fish, seasonal fruits, nuts, seeds and warm infusions can make a difference in how we face winter. By focusing on a balanced diet, we not only provide our body with the necessary nutrients, but we also create a feeling of well-being that helps us face the cold with greater vitality and resistance.

Remember that prevention is better than cure

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