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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • 5 Beneficios del CBD para el insomnio - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Ansiedad, Bienestar, Cannabis, CBD, Consejos, Depresión, Estrés, Insomnio, Naturopatía, Nervios, Nova, Salud, Salud Mental

    5 Benefits of CBD for insomnia

    CBD has a long list of benefits ranging from muscle recovery to anxiety relief, but did you know it can help with your insomnia?

  • ¿Qué es el té Divina y cómo se toma? - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Antioxidantes, Bienestar, Consejos, Depurador, Desintoxicacion, Detox, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud

    What is Divina tea and how to drink it?

    When you finish each week's tea, use the herbs to season salads or soup. This way you take advantage of every small extract of this powerful Tea that will help...

  • ¿Qué le sucede a nuestro cuerpo por el exceso de fibra? - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Depurador, Desintoxicacion, Detox, Diabetes, Dieta, Fibra, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud

    What happens to our body due to excess fiber?

    Excessive consumption of fiber can cause some complications in the body, although it is a substance that is almost always beneficial. In any case, we invite you to know what...

  • Cómo actúan las toxinas en el cuerpo - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Depurador, Desintoxicacion, Detox, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Salud

    How toxins act in the body

    In recent years, all the media talk about toxins, the famous detox diets or the best way to exercise to eliminate them. However, few people really know what toxins are...

  • El CBD y el dolor del nervio ciático - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Articulaciones, Artritis, Bienestar, Cannabis, CBD, Dolor, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nova, Salud

    CBD and sciatic nerve pain

    CBD has many healing properties, therefore, it becomes an excellent option when selecting daily supplements. Using the best CBD cream for sciatica is a particularly new idea, but one that...

  • Generador de Ozono: lo que debes saber - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Covid, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Ozonificador, Ozono, Salud

    Ozone Generator: what you should know

    Currently, we live in a time that is increasingly attentive and sensitive to issues related to hygiene and environmental protection, whether it is our own home, a business or a...

  • Árnica: Beneficios, propiedades - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Dato Curioso, Dolor, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Salud

    Arnica: Benefits, properties

    The benefits of arnica are varied in their description in popular literature. It is a plant from the Asteraceae family, native to central and southern Europe, although it is also...

  • La función del Zinc en el cuerpo - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Consejos, Corazon, Dato Curioso, Hipertensión, Salud

    The role of Zinc in the body

    Do you know what the function of zinc is in the body? This mineral is essential and of utmost importance for the body, so it must be provided in adequate...