How air purifiers improve air quality at home
The quality of the air in our home is essential to maintain a healthy environment conducive to general well-being. In recent years, awareness of the importance of breathing clean air...
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The quality of the air in our home is essential to maintain a healthy environment conducive to general well-being. In recent years, awareness of the importance of breathing clean air...
Currently, we live in a time that is increasingly attentive and sensitive to issues related to hygiene and environmental protection, whether it is our own home, a business or a...
The main benefits of ozone generating devices are: they purify the air, improve water quality, sanitize food and allow its flavor to improve, sanitize homes and have benefits for people's...
Ozone (O3) is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, two of which form the basic oxygen molecule, which is essential for life. The third atom can detach from...
RD 140/2003 establishes the obligation to treat and control water intended for human consumption. For this, chlorine is the most used disinfectant agent, but not the only nor the best....
In the midst of a health crisis, thousands of scientists from different countries are working overtime to find a vaccine that will put an end to the coronavirus. The use...
There are more and more health problems that can be treated with it, and more and more new applications of ozone therapy in research into diseases such as dementia, AIDS...
While many come to think that an ozonizer is a luxury device, the truth is that having one at home provides us with benefits that go beyond avoiding those moisture...
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