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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • Técnicas Efectivas para Superar el Desgaste Mental

    Effective Techniques to Overcome Mental Burnout

    Mental exhaustion goes beyond common fatigue. It manifests as an overwhelming feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion, often linked to work pressure, financial stress or personal tensions. Recognizing its signs...

  • Equilibra tu Mente: Aumenta la Serotonina de forma Natural

    Balance your Mind: Increase Serotonin Naturally

    Learn to Increase Your Serotonin Levels Naturally Serotonin, often known as the “happiness molecule,” plays an important role in our mental and emotional health. In this article, we will explore...

  • Sentarse con las piernas cruzadas puede afectar tu salud

    Sitting cross-legged can affect your health

    Have you ever wondered if the way you feel affects your health? Sitting cross-legged is a common posture among many people, whether out of comfort or habit. However, what may...

  • Secretos contra el envejecimiento

    Secrets against aging

    Take care of others Two recent studies suggest surprising but poignant keys to a longer life. You are more likely to accumulate years if: You hope for the best. Of...

  • Actividades que más ayudan a relajarse

    Activities that help you relax the most

    Relaxing is not that easy, before getting into the matter, Hammond explains that resting is not the same as sleeping. Rest, according to her, is any activity that involves relaxation while...

  • Bañarse con agua fría tiene beneficios para la salud

    Bathing with cold water has health benefits

    “ A cold shower can stimulate circulation and encourage collagen production in the skin. There are several advantages to choosing cold water when bathing. The anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect ,...