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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • ¿Por qué es bueno tomar clorumag?

    Why is it good to take chlorumag?

    In the constant search to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to pay attention to our diet and ensure we obtain all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning...

  • Beneficios del yoga para la salud

    Health benefits of yoga

    Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuji , which means union . Its practice seeks to improve strength, breathing and flexibility. Those who practice yoga state that it has benefits such...

  • Alimentos transgénicos ¿son malos o buenos?

    Transgenic foods, are they bad or good?

    Genetically modified or transgenic foods are known as those that contain organisms to which genetic material has been incorporated. Either a piece of DNA or a gene from other organisms...

  • Azúcar: consejos para disminuir su consumo

    Sugar: tips to reduce your consumption

    The WHO recommends not taking more than 50 grams of sugar a day, but most of us take between 150 and 205% more than recommended. Every day we are more...

  • ¿Por qué se produce la anemia?

    Why does anemia occur?

    Anemia is a blood disease in which, due to a pathological shortage of healthy red blood cells, the blood is not carrying enough oxygen to the rest of the body...

  • 10 Alimentos saludables que te ayudan a adelgazar

    10 Healthy foods that help you lose weight

    The key to losing weight and maintaining weight in the long term is not to go on a permanent diet (something that also does not work) but to choose intelligently...