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Healthy life

Diets, healthy tips and home remedies for a healthy life.

Reading is health 📖

  • El poder de... El Tamarindo - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Colesterol, Consejos, Cuidado de la piel, Dato Curioso, Estreñimiento, Fibra, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Recetas, Salud

    The power of...El Tamarindo

    It is widely cultivated in Mexico through grafting (union of one piece of plant with another) and seeds, under warm and semi-dry conditions. It is produced by grafting at 3...

  • 20 razones por las cuales debes tomar SOUL - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Antioxidantes, Bienestar, Cansancio, Colesterol, Consejos, Cáncer, Cáncer de mama, Diabetes, Dieta, Estreñimiento, Inflamación, Insulina, Nutrición, Obesidad, Salud, Soul

    20 reasons why you should take SOUL

    Thanks to the power of the 3 seeds that form SOUL and D-ribose, the consumption of SOUL provides a wide spectrum of benefits. Modern science has studied seeds for decades, giving us the necessary,...

  • Conoce Artizen Essential Oils Aromaterapia - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Ansiedad, Aromaterapia, Bienestar, Cansancio, Consejos, Depresión, Estrés, Insomnio, Nervios, Salud, Salud Mental

    Get to know Artizen Essential Oils Aromatherapy

    What is aromatherapy? Technique derived from herbalism that uses plant compounds and essential oils extracted from aromatic plants to improve health and mood by inhaling or applying the oils to...

  • Propiedades y beneficios del Cacao - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Cacao, Consejos, Dato Curioso, Medicina Tradicional, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    Properties and benefits of Cocoa

    Since ancient times, multiple beneficial properties have been attributed to cocoa and its variants such as chocolate, which have positioned this food as therapeutic rather than nutritional.

  • Los carbohidratos: ¿Son necesarios para nuestra dieta? - Tienda Naturista Pronapresa - Bienestar, Carbohidratos, Colesterol, Consejos, Dieta, Naturopatía, Nutrición, Obesidad, Recetas, Salud, Sistema Digestivo

    Carbohydrates: Are they necessary for our diet?

    The WHO -World Health Organization- recommends that 50% of the energy in the diet should come from carbohydrates. But if we analyze the body's metabolic pathways we come to the...